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Jonathan Bowling

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Name Dr

Jonathan Bowling

Job Title consultant dermatologist, The Nuffield Manor Hospital, Oxford

Jonathan Bowling is a Consultant Dermatologist based in Oxford, UK.

His main professional interest is the use of dermoscopy in the early diagnosis of melanoma. He pioneered training and education in dermoscopy within the UK, with his, and the UK’s, first dermoscopy course taking place in 2002.

He was appointed consultant dermatologist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust in 2005 where he became the skin cancer lead for Oxford.

He is the author of the award winning textbook ‘Diagnostic Dermoscopy: The Illustrated Guide’ now currently in its second edition.

He provides national and international courses on dermoscopy and lectures worldwide on skin cancer diagnosis.

Since 2014 he has divided his time between dermoscopy education, private practice and his family. @dermoscopy