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Cara Bossley

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Name Dr

Cara Bossley

Job Title Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, King’s College Hospital

Dr Cara Bossley has been a consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine at Kings College since 2013. She offers expertise in specialist clinics in complex asthma, non-invasive ventilation, non-CF bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis.   She initially embarked on a research degree at the Royal Brompton Hospital in 2007, investigating airway inflammation and remodelling in children with severe asthma.  She was awarded MD(res) at Imperial College in October 2012. Dr Cara Bossley has presented at international conferences and has over 70 scientific publications.    Cara is principal investigator for a number of ongoing research projects at King’s College Hospital, and has chaired the London Network clinical trials accelerator program meetings.