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Alison Cowan

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Name Dr

Alison Cowan

Job Title Portfolio GP; GP Lead 'Thrive Young Person's Clinic' St Albans & Harpenden Locality; CYPMHS GP Clinical Lead: Hertfordshire & West Essex ICS

Alison Cowan is a GP, founder and clinical lead for the Thrive Young Person’s Service in Hertfordshire. As Hertfordshire CYPMHS GP Clinical Lead, she works closely with local CYP organisations to support younger patients with their mental health and help GPs navigate their services through training and development of resources. This includes the recent development and delivery of a training programme for Primary Care clinicians.

Alison’s clinical work also includes a day per week within the local CYP Eating Disorder Service.

In addition to spending time with family and friends, Alison enjoys marathon running and travel with a highlight of her career being 18 months spent in Uganda with her family working as a GP trainer for VSO.