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Brian Lipworth

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Name Dr

Brian Lipworth

Job Title Professor of Respiratory Medicine Scottish Centre for Respiratory Research, Ninewells Hospital University of Dundee

Over 30 years experience in clinical allergy and pulmonology allied to extensive research activity with an H index of 74 and 580 peer reviewed articles. Head of the Scottish Centre of Respiratory Research and Clinical Professor of Allergy and Pulmonology at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School , Dundee. Clinical and research expertise includes asthma , allergic rhinosinusitis and COPD. Skilled in cardiovascular medicine with focus on the pulmonary circulation and cardiac comorbidities in COPD. Runs clinics in difficult asthma as well as unique one stop unified airway clinic in conjunction with ENT. Previously visiting Professor at Harvard University Medical School and University of Florida , as well as Honorary Clinical Professor at University of St Andrews Medical School. Currently Honorary Clinical Professor of Medicine at University of Central Lancashire. Honoured for research excellence by the British Pharamcological Society. Scottish Thoracic Society , American College of Allergy ,Asthma and Immunology (FACAAI ) and European Respiratory Society (FERS).