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Chaand Nagpaul

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Name Dr

Chaand Nagpaul

Job Title GP Partner, North London, Former Chair BMA Council, Former Chair BMA GP committee, Board Member, NHS Race and Health Observatory; Trustee, Doctors in Distress

Chaand has been a GP partner for 34 years and lived through significant changes to general practice and the partnership model.

He has a long experience of representing GPs and GP contract negotiations as past BMA GPC executive member 2007-2013, and former chair of the BMA GPC 2013-2017

He was chair of the BMA council 2017-2022 and in August 2022 returned to his practice to work substantially as a GP managing partner. He is vice-chair of Harrow LMC and also represents NW London LMCs on the NWL ICB groups on the primary/secondary care interface and digital transformation.