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Chris Carlin

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Name Dr

Chris Carlin

Job Title Consultant Physician and Clinical Lead for Respiratory Medicine, South Sector NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Honorary Professor of Respiratory Innovation at the University of Glasgow

Chris Carlin is Consultant Physician and Clinical Lead for Respiratory Medicine, South Sector NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Honorary Professor of Respiratory Innovation at the University of Glasgow.  Research and innovation work focuses on co-design, implementation and evaluation of digital technology innovations to establish new diagnostic and care models for patients with COPD, severe respiratory failure and sleep disorders, as exemplars for management of other long-term conditions. He’s principle investigator in the West of Scotland Innovation hub, notably leading on the DYNAMIC-AI clinical investigation which is exploring acceptability, feasibility and utility of live point of care risk-predictive AI insights for multi-disciplinary management of patients with COPD.