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David Strain

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Name Prof

David Strain

Job Title Ass Prof in Cardiometabolic Health, University of Exeter Medical School, UK, Consultant Physician & Clinical Lead for COVID-19 Services at the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Trust

Prof Strain is the clinical lead of the Diabetes and Vascular Research Centre at the University of Exeter Medical School, an honorary consultant in medicine for the older adult and Chair of the BMA’s UK Board of science and academic staff committee.

Since March 2020, he has been heavily involved in COVID-19. He is the Clinical Lead for COVID at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, a service which has one of the best set of outcomes in the country. He has run the COVID wards and established a 364 day per year Covid Medicines decision Unit. In his BMA role, he is working with NHSE and UKHSA to establish the key performance indicators for CMDU services once they move to ICS/ICB commissioned services.