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David Watson

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Name Dr

David Watson

Job Title GP, Hamilton Medical Group, Aberdeen and Headache Doctor, Department of Neurology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

Dr David PB Watson is an Aberdeen graduate (1984) and GP Partner at Hamilton Medical Group in Aberdeen since 1990. He has worked since 2005 as a headache doctor in the Department of Neurology at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

David chaired the project group that wrote SIGN guideline 107, “Diagnosis and Management of Headache in Adults” published in 2008 and was a group member for SIGN guideline 155 “ Pharmacological management of Migraine” published in Feb 2018. He helped develop Scottish Neurology Standards in 2009 chairing the headache subgroup. He was a member until 2015 of the Scottish National Neurological Advisory Group. He has been a Council member of the British Association for the Study of Headache. He is currently working with the Migraine Trust on a pharmacist educational project.

He has an interest in undergraduate and post graduate education. Outside of medicine he enjoys family activities and cycling.