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Ibrahim Vhora

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Name Mr

Ibrahim Vhora

Job Title Lead Pharmacist, Neurodevelopmental Paediatrics, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Ibrahim Vhora graduated from the Leicester School of Pharmacy and trained at Alder Hey Children’s hospital as a specialist paediatric clinical pharmacist, subsequently holding a variety of positions, including medicines information, clinical trials, formulary, and procurement. Since 2018 he has specialised in developmental paediatrics and has a particular interest in Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and insomnia – recently completing sleep practitioner training.

Ibrahim has most recently led on service development with respect to digital improvement. He has worked closely with CCGs and emerging CSUs, with the aim of improving patient care across the interface. A focus for development is sleep pathways and Alder Hey is collaborating with other Trusts across Merseyside to unify practice.