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Matt Curtis

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Name Dr

Matt Curtis

Job Title GP & Clinical Advisor

Matt is a Primary Care Doctor and TPP Clinical Advisor. He graduated from the University of Nottingham Medical School in 1998 and received his GMC in 1999. He has worked as an NHS General Medical Practitioner in Yorkshire for over 20 years. He is a General Practice Trainer and former GP Training Programme Director. Prior to this he worked in East Africa and New Zealand. As part of his role within TPP he is a TPP Clinical Safety Officer (CSO) and a member of the TPP Data Protection Officer (DPO) team.

His passion is the clinical consultation which is the foundation of good patient care. This is made possible using an accurate and comprehensive clinical record. Many patients still do not get the care that they need because their symptoms, diagnoses and treatments are inconsistently recorded by the poor use of clinical record systems. A clinical record system that makes it easier to record structured clinical data in a repeatable and reportable form is one that benefits all patients, care providers and commissioners.