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Tarun Gupta

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Name Dr

Tarun Gupta

Job Title NHS GP and Occupational Health Physician

Tarun is a GP in the NHS and Occupational Health Physician to the private sector, based in Solihull.

His clinical interest is mental health. Tarun previously served as Clinical Lead for Mental Health Transformation at BSOL CCG (the largest CCG in England) for 4 years, with a focus on improving physical health outcomes for adults with serious mental illness (SMI) and redesigning the neurodiversity assessment and management pathway.

He also contributed to the NICE NG222 ‘Depression in adults: treatment and management’ clinical guideline, published in June 2022, as a Guideline Committee Member.

Tarun graduated with a First-Class Honours degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) from Oxford University and earnt his graduate-entry medical degree from St George’s, University of London. He holds postgraduate qualifications in Occupational Medicine, Legal Medicine and Clinical Psychiatry, in addition to completing executive education in leadership and management at Harvard Business School, USA.